
Charlie Cantrell & Dr. Rachel Wagner

Craig Bernick

Charlie Cantrell is a movie producer, entertainment consultant & New York Times best selling author. He has been featured in hundreds of newspapers and magazines across the globe, and has appeared on Oprah, The View, Today Show, Good Morning America, Early Show, Super Tiny Animals, Animal Planet, National Geographic, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, FOX, ITV, BBC, CBC, PBS, including scores of international TV networks. He is the proud owner of EINSTEIN – The Smallest Stallion.

When horse lovers Charlie Cantrell and his wife, Dr. Rachel Wagner, received the news that a tiny horse had just been born to champion miniature horses, they knew they had to meet the mini-miniature foal. Sure enough, it was love at first sight, and Charlie bought the baby as a present for Rachel, an experienced rider and owner of a number of horses. Two weeks after Einstein was born, the Cantrells were shocked to discover a procession of 4,000 visitors, soggy and shivering in the rain, lined up to pay homage to their little horse.  Cars were parked all the way to the center of the small New England town, and local police had to shut the roads down a mile from Einstein’s barn and turn many more cars away.  Some people stood for over an hour just to get a sixty-second glance at the fast asleep baby stallion.

As Charlie and Rachel greeted the half-mile line of fans from all walks of life, they immediately recognized an unmistakable connection among the crowd: Einstein elicited a feeling of pure joy and remarkable gladness in everyone he touched.  The good feeling spread as videos of newborn Einstein swept the Internet.  Within days the tiny foal was featured in newspapers, magazines, and television programs as far away as Australia.

Dr. Rachael Wagner is an MD with a family practice. In late 2021, they bought a house in NW Ocala and have fallen in love with the open spaces and beautiful places.