
Horse Farms Forever is a compact and powerful nonprofit,
founded in 2018 to:


Marion County’s Farmland Preservation Area was established in 2005. Its mineral-rich soil and water, and spring sheds are subject to increasing development and roadway threats. We participate and defend.


The culture, character and vibrant economy of greater Ocala is uniquely based on the presence of horses and horse farms. We share the facts.


Landowners who love their land and wish to see it passed along to future generations have many options. We show the way.


The blueprint for Rural Land Management is written at the county level and made strong by collaboration and community influence. We facilitate progress.


Springs Forever! HFF Conservation Summit Focuses on Our Water and Springs

Horse Farms Forever, Inc.® is pleased to announce Mark Emery, an award-winning filmmaker, musician, and photographer for National Geographic, the Smithsonian Network, BBC, and PBS as our Keynote Speaker at the 2024 Conservation Summit to be held on Thursday, November 14 at the Ocala Breeders’ Sales Arena.

SVN | McDonald & Company Joins HFF as a Founder Member

Horse Farms Forever® welcomes Bartow McDonald IV and SVN | McDonald & Company as our newest Founder Member. The commercial real estate firm joins over 70 businesses and horse farm owners, as well as thousands of members that have all joined forces to help inspire...

Members Spotlight Late Summer 2024

Horse Farms Forever and our critical mission are carried forward by the longstanding commitments of our Board and members. Take a quick tour through our Member’s Logos and you’ll get a sense of the size and diversity of our herd. This bodes well for the future of horse farms in Marion County!See who has renewed their commitments this quarter, and allow us to introduce you to our newest herd mates. FTBOA, Kinsman Farm, Cloverly Farm, Ocala Horse Properties, Live Oak Stud, Bill Kearns, SVN MacDonald, Drake Construction, Buena Vista Farm.

Land Development Regulation Commission Vacancy!

Do you have expertise in the areas of planning, real estate, land development, or agriculture? If so, Marion County has a vacancy on the Land Development Regulation Commission (LDRC). This is an exciting opportunity to serve your community and learn first-hand the...

Signs of Change

Who remembers the “Save It, Don’t Pave It” signs from 2017-18 that were all over Marion County when the Florida Department of Transportation was proposing a toll road through the Farmland Preservation Area? Those signs did a lot to raise awareness and public input that organized citizens to stop the coastal connector and led to the birth of Horse Farms Forever.

A Billion Gallons

That’s how much life-giving water Marion County’s three First Magnitude Springs churn out each day. Dive in as we explore the precious resource beneath our feet with Mark Emery, Emmy award winning filmmaker, musician, and photographer for National Geographic, BBC, and PBS.

We also welcome special guests Margaret Ross Tolbert, internationally renowned artist of the springs and author of AQUIFERious; and Emily Taylor, Executive Director of the Florida Springs Institute.

The Threats Are Real

From new roadways to rezoning. We are here to gather and multiply all of the voices that understand the value of our rural heritage and seek to preserve it forever.

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When the farmland watchdogs sound the alarm, you'll hear first.