The Marion County Land Development Regulation Commission has a vacancy. This is an exciting opportunity to serve your community and learn first-hand the interworking’s of the Land Development Code and how it relates to the Comprehensive Plan, which serves as the blueprint for the future development of Marion County.

1. To review and consider all proposed land development regulations and amendments thereto.

2. To hold public hearings regarding proposed land development regulations and amendments thereto.

3. To make recommendations to the county commission regarding consistency of proposed land development regulations or amendments with the county’s approve and adopted comprehensive plan.

4. To review and make recommendations to the county commission regarding the adoption and amendments to the Land Development code.

5. To monitor and oversee the effectiveness and status of the Land Development Code and recommend to the county commission such changes in the code as may be required.

6. To make its special knowledge and expertise available, upon reasonable written request and authorization of the count commission to any official, department, board, commission or agency of the count, state or federal govementments.

7. To adopt rules of procedure consistent with law and the Land Development code as are necessary for administration and governance of its proceedings.

8. To perform such other functions, duties and responsibilities as may be assigned to it by the Board or by general or special law/

The members of the LDRC are appointed by the Board of County Commissioners. To be eligible, you must be a qualified voter and resident of Marion County.

The LDRC members should be representative of the technical fields related to land development regulations including the ability to evaluate and recommend specific regulatory standards and criteria. Preferably, they should be familiar with the areas of planning, environmental science, agriculture and the development industry. The current LDRC members include a land surveyor, a pastor, several engineers, a land developer and a realtor. This is a volunteer position.