Many of Marion County’s most famous equine champions were raised and trained on the rolling hills and mineral rich pastureland that makes Marion County’s horse farms so ideal for raising horses. To help ensure the long-term viability of this industry, it is vital to safeguard and protect the County’s horse farms and pastureland.

As part of Horse Farms Forever’s mission to inspire the preservation of pastureland focusing on horses and their habitats, we are partnering with the nonprofit land conservancy, Conservation Florida to protect horse farms with conservation easements.

To help incentivize conservation, the U.S. Congress enacted powerful federal tax incentives for conservation easement donations. For landowners that qualify, these potential tax incentives include income, property, and estate tax benefits.

Learn more about conservation easements and the Conservation Tax Incentive in the Ocala Horse Properties 2025 portfolio article: Forever Farms.

With the increasing pressures of growth and development, it is more important than ever to proactively protect our horse farms and pastureland to ensure that this iconic and historic landscape will continue to raise the next equine champions!

A conservation easement on a horse farm in Marion County protects more than just the unique mineral rich pastureland; it preserves the equestrian way of life and the equine industry.