Even Ocala’s most famous resident, John Travolta, a lifelong pilot himself, agrees that the Jumbolair expansion is not in the public interest. John Travolta started taking flying lessons at age 15 and has been a licensed pilot since he was 22 years old. It’s that lifelong love of aviation that brought him to Ocala in early 2000 with the decision to build a home in Jumbolair.
Truett Gardner, Mr. Travolta’s legal counsel, spoke to John recently and he asked us to share this message. “John loves Marion County, the peaceful nature of Jumbolair, and he is completely united with the opponents of Mr. Bull’s comp plan and rezoning requests.”
Here are excerpts from the Opposition Letter filed on behalf of Mr. Travolta:
“On behalf of our client and longtime resident of Jumbolair Aviation Estates, John Travolta, and the Co-Trustees Ronald Zupancic and Michael J. McDermott, Esq. of the Hawker Investment Trust, dated March 1, 1998, Gardner Brewer Hudson (GBH) is providing the following reasons why the future land use map amendment and rezoning applications filed by Robert Bull for Jumbolair Aviation Estates (the “Property”) should be summarily denied.”
“Robert Bull’s proposed comprehensive plan amendment and rezoning demonstrate the antithesis of the protections established by the Supreme Court which have permeated throughout the Country, throughout Florida, and are recognized in Marion County. Bull’s proposals instead serve to threaten the public’s health, safety, and welfare by densifying property in a rural area close to a large private runway and by endangering the safety of residents that live in proximity to his property.”
“Compared to the existing low-density neighborhoods surrounding the area, Bull’s proposals would irrevocably alter the complexion of north central Marion County from a quiet, rural farmland community to a bustling airfield surrounded by dense residential development and commercial development. Bull’s applications promote the creation of a disproportionate island of increased density and air traffic that is disconnected and isolated from the true urban fabric of Marion County located to the south of the subject Property.”
“If approved, the development would pose significant harm to our client and the residents of Marion County for the following reasons: The Large-Scale Future Land Use Map Series amendment for 358.62 acres is socially and fundamentally incompatible with the Marion County Comprehensive Plan as it fails to discourage the proliferation of urban sprawl, does not satisfy the original intent of the Urban Growth Boundary, and is an inherent danger to Rural Neighborhoods.”
“The proposal fails to adhere to the goals, strategies and policies promulgated under the Comprehensive Plan. Marion County’s Comprehensive Plan provides its roadmap to balance appropriate development with existing patterns, availability of infrastructure, and overall compatibility. Bull’s proposals are not consistent with existing development patterns, as necessary infrastructure is not even contemplated and, most glaringly, the proposals could not be more incompatible with the fabric of the surrounding area.”
“In keeping with the well-founded precedent established by the U.S. Supreme Court in Euclid v. Ambler Realty Company, amendments to valid Comprehensive Plans and zoning regulations should be rejected when they jeopardize the public’s health, safety, and welfare.”
“The above-referenced failures in Bull’s proposals demonstrate a blatant lack of interest in preserving the rural nature of the area and Jumbolair’s unique history. Accordingly, and as a consequence of the proposals’ inconsistencies with the Comprehensive Plan, Bull’s FLUMS amendment and companion rezoning should be rejected and denied.”
February 9, 2024
T. Truett Gardner, Esq.
Addie K. Clark, P.E.
Gardner Brewer Hudson

Travolta Files Legal Complaint Against Jumbolair Development!
In January, Hawker Investment Trust, John Travolta’s entity, filed a lawsuit against Jumbolair Aviation Estates Owners Association and Jumbolair Development, LLC, owned by Robert and Debra Bull, seeking a judgement for specific performance.
Hawker Investment Trust owns a 19+ acre parcel in the Jumbolair community where Mr. Travolta lives and keeps his aircraft.
Excerpts from the Legal Complaint Letter
“This law firm, along with McDermott & Thacker, P.A., represents Ellen Bannon and Margaret Rau, as Trustees of the Hawker Investment Trust, dated March 1, 1988 (“Hawker Investment Trust”), and John Travolta (“Mr. Travolta”) (collectively, the “Travolta Parties”).”
“As you know, the Travolta Parties have been residents of Jumbolair Aviation Estates since 2001. For over twenty years, the Travolta Parties have enjoyed the quiet and peaceful use and enjoyment of the Jumbolair Aviation Estates. Unfortunately, since Mr. and Mrs. Bull purchased the Jumbolair Aviation Estates in 2021, the Travolta Parties’ experience has been anything but.”
“Specifically, Mr. Travolta’s guests have relayed to him that Mr. Bull has been discourteous to them in their limited dealings with him. Consistently, the Travolta Parties’ employees/ contractors have complained to him that Mr. Bull is very rude in his interactions with them.”
“Not long ago, the Travolta Parties engaged electricians to change out some lights on the PAPIs. While doing their job, they were approached by Mr. Bull who disparaged them and their ability to do their work to the point where they reported to us that they were “shook up” and would probably not return if asked. Further, the Travolta Parties’ pilot (Eclipse) advised him that not long ago, upon departing, while being handled by the Jacksonville controller, Mr. Bull requested him to identify his passengers. The pilot refused to do so.”
“This inappropriate behavior by Mr. Bull has led to an invasion of the Travolta Parties’ privacy and has caused much embarrassment to Mr. Travolta.”
“Mr. Bull’s actions recently culminated in his unauthorized intrusion onto Mr. Travolta’s property on July 12, 2023, in which he both refused to leave and blockaded the egress to the Jett Bleu Estates with his vehicles, construction equipment and his helicopter. This entire “self-help” enforcement incident is on video which captured the derogatory, insulting, and threatening manner, including name calling in which Mr. Bull tried to intimidate Mr. Ronnie Zupancic, Mr. Travolta’s property manager, into compliance with what he contended was an enforceable restriction. It ended when Mr. Bull was removed from the Jett Bleu Estates by police under threat of being arrested for trespassing.”
“The Travolta Parties also have a video of Mr. Bull taken after he was removed from the Jett Bleu Estates, threatening Mr. Zupancic with trespass if he attempted to access the common area property on the west side of the runway (where the PAPI lights are located), which area was dedicated per plat to the residents of Jumbolair. Not wanting to let things cool off, the following day, Mr. Bull flew his Blackhawk military helicopter in front of the Jett Bleu Estates and hovered/landed for sufficient time in an effort to intimidate the occupants. Talk of Mr. Bull’s helicopter possessing operational Class V weapons was soon circulating among the staff. Regardless of whether that is true, the message sent was eminently clear. Again, this was captured on video. Taxiways are for transit, not intimidation. Since that time, the Travolta Parties have videotaped Mr. Bull doing “aerial reconnaissance” of the Jett Bleu Estates, with his other helicopter, ostensibly in an effort to document non-existing deed restriction violations incapable of being observed at ground level.”
“Ultimately, Mr. Bull has created an atmosphere of fear, distrust, and uncertainty among the Travolta Parties. The Jumbolair Parties, through Mr. and Mrs. Bull, have disregarded their preexisting obligations to the Travolta Parties and have actively impeded the Travolta Parties from enjoying the rights and privacy the Travolta Parties have been accustomed to, and have a right to, at the Jumbolair Aviation Estates during the last twenty plus years. It is as if Mr. Bull is committed to a campaign to drive Mr. Travolta out of the neighborhood with his continual harassment and intimidation tactics.”
September 15, 2023
William J. Schifino Jr., Esq.
Gunster, Yoakley &Stewart, P.A.

How about Mr.Bull leave Marion Country. Mr. Travolta and family have been much loved members of our community. If Mr.Bull has a campaign to drive the Travoltras out of Jumbolair I suggest it is he that needs to leave.
Well said!!
Nicely said I agree
I agree! Mr Travolta is a much loved member of this community. I live 2 blocks away and everyone I speak to is against this expansion. It will increase not only traffic in our rural community but they are planning for 3 hundred airplanes and 240 homes. It’s an aviation community which means everyone will have an airplane!
Protect Jumboleear Estates
Protect Marion County from this type of growth
I Agree completely
I thank John Travolta for helping us with this issue. I am sorry that you had to endure the awful bullying from Mr Bull. We appreciate hearing that you will be sending an attorney to the commissioners meeting on the 20th of Feb. Hopefully they will deny this awful re- zoning attempt so we can all have our peace and quiet.
Thank you John for all you are doing to help this situation.I can’t imagine Ocala without you and the Kids. Best wish in your outcome.
Bob Bully should leave our community alone. His intimidation tactics will not work on us. I’ve seen his aircraft flying far below what is safe. He’s dangerous and volatile. He thinks his big money can buy our silence, he’s wrong!! The Travoltas have been staples in Ocala for 20+ years. The entire community is with John and his group. Bob Bull must be stopped!
I don’t live in Marian county but the forever horse property’s and the quality of life and history of Ocala is at stake. We’re fans of Travolta. Put purple on every 💜 100 feet of fencing. That constitutes a felony trespass.
Thank you John for all you do Ocala loves you and your kids!
Thank you, Mr Travolta, for standing up to such bullying and the effort to create a high dense development that would most definitely ruin the beautiful rural nature of Marion County. Not to mention the property tax burden it would also create for existing land owners/ranches!
Thanks John I stand with you ,no place for bullying here move on ,now I know why keep seeing the helicopter 🚁 flying kind a low I think over my house, howdy neighbor!!
I thank John Travolta for helping us with this issue. I am sorry that you had to endure the awful bullying from Mr Bull. We appreciate hearing that you will be sending an attorney to the commissioners meeting on the 20th of Feb. Hopefully they will deny this awful re- zoning attempt so we can all have our peace and quiet.
Thank you John for doing all that you are. I don’t understand people Mr. Bull coming in and ruining a such a beautiful exceptional part of Ocala.
Mr Travolta , we appreciate you ! Thank you for Standing your ground.
Mr Bull , KINDNESS is welcome in our sweet community. No room for Bullying. God is surely watching ♡
Thank you, John, for standing with the rest of us in opposition of this developer. I don’t mind you flying over my house. I was a neighbor of the Bairds, Olivia and Keith. and we all love you in our community. Stay strong. I know I will.
Thank you John for your leadership.
We need to stand together on this important matter.
I own horses and live in the neighborhood.
Horses will disappear with the changes.
Stronger together!
Finally! There is a voice to be heard here in Florida about the mass development going on. Thank you, Mr. Travolta, for getting involved! So many beautiful rural areas of Florida are being destroyed daily to make way for huge developments. Everyone who lives here is voicing their concerns about it all, but it is being ignored by the powers that be. Those we elected to help our communities are the very ones who are selling FL off one tree at a time.
Why in the world would we want to destroy the beauty and serenity of this part of Marion County? If I wanted to live in a huge urban area I would have moved to Orlando, etc. We need to appreciate what we have here and not destroy it. Obviously this developer cares nothing for our county and this development should not be approved. Thank you John for standing in opposition to this proposed project.
Bob Bully should go!
We will stand behind you and your family John♥️♥️♥️
We moved to Ocala in 2013 an it is so sad to watch what’s happening to Marion County.. it’s beautiful horse farms an country side are being devoured by “housing projects”. VERY SAD
Apparently Retail businesses aren’t interested in setting up shop here, so housing brings in taxes. Over growth will destroy a community, infrastructure in Ocala isn’t keeping up with the housing growth.
Don’t want to move from Ocala but seriously thinking about it because of all the overgrowth of apartments,houses.
Sad that Jumbolair is being attacked by this Bull fella.
Thank you for standing ground and opposing the expansion of Jumbolair! My husband and I have a horse farm in Marion County, increase air traffic is not fitting for this part of Florida!
What a same Mr. Travolta has this unnecessary aggravation from Mr. Bull. Sounds like Mr. Bull is living up to his name of Mr. Bully!
Rachel M
I’m new to Ocala (2+) months. I moved here for the serenity and beauty. I honestly don’t know who Mr Bull is, but I agree and will support any actions to force him to stop. Better yet, force him to mess up another county as far away as California!! And no I’m not from California
Best wishes in your fight. I’ll help
Any way!! Just ask.
Thank you John for standing with the rest of us in opposition to this developer we do not need in our area please do not allow it
Bob Bully is just that! A big bully! Why does he think he can waltz in and change things? Take things that don’t belong to him? It’s obvious that NO ONE is in agreeing with him. So he needs to crawl back into his bully shell and scat! We citizens of Marion county aren’t having. #weloveJohn
We moved here from South Dakota. My son loved the High School, and I wanted an acreage to get back to my farm/ranch roots. Anthony was the answer. I love to drive in the country and see the cows, horses, etc. It is so quiet, and I love our neighbors. The city has no privacy, loud noises, cars, planes. We are losing our farmland, where is the wildlife going to go. We were told when we bought our home not to shoot fireworks because of the horses. We agreed! Now they want to bring in planes. I am constantly already seeing so much more air traffic over our home and the dogs start barking. THIS IS WHY WE LEFT THE CITY to avoid this. Please don’t allow more of our rural community to be lost.