Springs Forever Summit Announces Lead Sponsors
Delivered Once Again!
Horse Farms Forever is immensely grateful for the unwavering support and commitment of our 2024 Conservation Summit Sponsors. We continue to be delighted by the enthusiasm shown by the businesses and individuals of Marion County for our open spaces and beautiful places. Brook Ledge Horse Transportation is once again leading the herd as our Title Sponsor for the fifth year in a row.
Those blue and white horse vans are a common sight around Ocala. Each time you see one, we hope you’ll give a smile and a silent salute to a proven partner and ally in farmland preservation. Better yet, come to the Summit and thank them personally!
Here’s Brook Ledge’s Manager, Brian Roberts, leading off last year’s Summit with a few words about why horses and horse farms are so important to Marion County:
Welcome Advent Health!
And now Advent Health Ocala has stepped forward as Presenting Sponsor, joining Brook Ledge at the head of the herd. Advent Health has been a faithful supporter of our mission and our Summit for many years. They understand the vital link between community health and the environment. They also have a special place in their hearts for our horse farms and the people who work in the equine industry. This has led to the establishment of the AdventHealth Ocala’s Harnessing Health: Equine Worker Health Initiative. Also, AdventHealth Ocala Foundation is investing $10,000 to seed the hospital’s Care 360° program fund. Care 360 is a no-cost program that coordinates transportation, meal delivery and more for underserved patients, including the equine worker population. We are excited to be aligned with this innovative program that will help to sustain the vital staff that keep our Marion County equine industry world class.
Dive In
This year we celebrate the beauty and value of the Springs and the Floridian Aquifer that flows beneath our feet. The Farmland Preservation Area was established in part to protect the springsheds of Silver Springs and Rainbow Springs. The health of our water and our farmland are interconnected on a deep level. The Farmland Preservation Area serves as a valuable recharge area for the Springs and the mineral-rich drinking water nourishes our livestock and all of us. The beauty and recreational opportunities provided by the Springs are a big part of the unique and valuable identity of Marion County.
Photo by Mark Emery
Come and celebrate the Springs with us on November 14th, from 5-7pm at Ocala Breeders’ Sales. There will be a poster and print signing by Mark Emery and Margaret Ross Tolbert along with light fare and sponsor tables at 4pm with the main event starting at 5pm. This event will be a visual feast with the video and images shared by Mark Emery and the inspiring multimedia art of Margaret Ross Tolbert. The Florida Springs Institute will balance all of that art with their presentation on science of the Springs and how to keep them protected. We will also honor the Felburn Foundation’s Guy Marwick with the Acorn Award. And come to cheer on the next generation as we display and present awards to the winners of the Springs Forever Art Contest for Marion County’s K-12 students.